Saturday, July 30, 2011

Women who eat lots of fiber have less breast cancer

A fresh look at the medical evidence shows women who eat more fiber are less likely to get breast cancer.
Chinese researchers found those who ate the most of the healthy plant components were 11 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than women who ate the least.
Their findings don't prove fiber itself lowers cancer risk, however, because women who consume a lot of it might be healthier overall than those who don't.
The results "can identify associations but cannot tell us what will happen if people change their behavior," said John Pierce, a cancer research at the University of California, San Diego, who was not involved in the work.
While earlier research has yielded mixed conclusions on the link between cancer and fiber, it would make scientific sense: According to the Chinese researchers, people who eat high-fiber diets have lower levels of estrogen, which is a risk factor for breast tumors.  More....At Yahoo health

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