Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pumping Iron Helps Smokers Quit Without Weight Gain: Study

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 10 (HealthDay News) -- Would-be ex-smokers may want to try weight lifting to help them kick the habit for good, a new study suggests.
The researchers found that three months of pumping iron seemed to help curb cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms, while lessening the weight gain that sometimes accompanies quitting.
Overall, men and women who completed the resistance training program were twice as likely to kick the habit as smokers who didn't lift weights.
"Cigarette smoking kills more than a thousand Americans every day, and while the large majority of smokers want to quit, less than 5 percent are able to do it without help," the study's lead author, Joseph Ciccolo, an exercise psychologist with the Miriam Hospital's Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, in Providence, said in a news release from the Lifespan health system.  More...Yahoo news

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