Saturday, August 6, 2011

Faster, Harder, Longer: How to Maximize a Treadmill Workout

To Burn More Calories:Source: Faster, Harder, Longer: How to Maximize a Treadmill Workout

Running in the Summer heat and humidity is downright unbearable, so it's common to take refuge in an air-conditioned gym. There are no bugs, no risk of sunburn, and no worries about getting lost on a trail. And, for many, it's easier to run on a treadmill. Here are some tips to make the most from your treadmill workout.
  • Do sprinting intervals. Running at a consistent pace is great for longer training runs, but during your intense workouts, take advantage of intervals. By alternating between running a few minutes at a moderate pace and throwing in sprinting bursts, you'll end up burning more calories, building your endurance, and becoming a faster, stronger runner. Not to mention, intervals have also been proven to fight belly fat.  More....

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