Monday, August 29, 2011

How to Cut Through Food Label Hype

Deciding what health claims are accurate is a tall order—even for scientists, courts, and government agencies. Here’s how to make sense of it all

Ever feel like the boxes lined up on grocery store shelves are conspiring to trick you? You’re not alone. Despite consumer lawsuits and government action, food companies still try to bend the rules to make labels that will catch your eye—and grab your grocery dollars.

On Aug 29, a California district court will hear a class action complaint against Nutella, the chocolaty hazelnut condiment. The complaint seeks damages for the Nutella label’s allegedly misleading claim that it can be part of "a tasty yet balanced breakfast" and counters that it “contains 70% saturated fat [mostly from palm oil] and processed sugar by weight.”  More....Shine from yahoo

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