Monday, August 8, 2011

6 Sneaky Ways To Get In Exercise

Need to work out but can't get to the gym? Try these six easy ways to work out! The best part? You can do these moves anywhere!

At-home chair squats: Hover above a chair seat as if you were going to sit down, without letting your butt or thighs touch the seat. Hold for 30 seconds, building up to 1 minute. Do these body toning exercises whenever you get a moment, aiming for once an hour.
Squat in the Kitchen: Every time you're in the kitchen, perform triceps dips using a kitchen chair: Stand in front of a chair as if you were going to sit down, then bend knees and lower hips, placing hands on the seat edge, fingers pointing forward, arms straight. Walk feet forward, and with feet flat and torso erect, bend and straighten arms, keeping butt close to chair seat without touching it. Do 8-15 reps.
Sourced By:  Shine from Yahoo

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