Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Poll: Obesity hits more boomers than others in US

WASHINGTON (AP) — Cancer and memory loss are baby boomers' biggest health fears. Given their weight, maybe heart disease and diabetes should be.
Boomers are more obese than other generations, a new poll finds, setting them up for unhealthy senior years.
And for all the talk of "60 is the new 50" and active aging, even those who aren't obese need to do more to stay fit, according to the Associated poll.
Most baby boomers say they get some aerobic exercise, the kind that revs up your heart rate, at least once a week. But most adults are supposed to get 2½ hours a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity — things like a brisk walk, a dance class, pushing a lawn mower. Only about a quarter of boomers polled report working up a sweat four or five times a week, what the average person needs to reach that goal.
Worse, 37 percent never do any of the strength training so crucial to fighting the muscle loss that comes with aging.  More... Yahoo news

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