Monday, January 9, 2012

Money Hacks 2012--8 Shortcuts to Getting Richer

Want to turbocharge your change jar? In this post a few months back, guest columnist Len Penzo suggested adding dollars to the mix: "When you are out during the day, don't spend any dollar bills you get as change. Then, after you come home and are ready to make contributions to your jar, be sure to include all of those unspent dollar bills along with your coins—and if you have no singles, then pull out a fiver and drop it in the jar."
They're called "hacks": clever solutions to tricky problems. Here are some of my favorites to help you save more or spend less.
Did you make a New Year's resolution? If not, there's still time—after all, the year's still "new" until you remember to stop dating things 2011.
But whether your resolution is getting in better physical shape, dropping bad habits, or improving your finances, odds are it's about changing your behavior—no walk in the park. One thing that will help? Using simple shortcuts that remove some of the pain from the process.
In the digital age, shortcuts to solutions are often called "hacks." Now let's look at these money-making and saving hacks.  More....Yahoo finance

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