Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The #1 Most Important Hormone for Men

Make no mistake, guys: Our manhoods are under attack. I’m talking about testosterone, the hormone that literally makes us men. Delivery of the right amount at the critical moment shifts development of a fetus away from the basic human blueprint, which is female, and onto the path to masculinity. A surge in testosterone (from the testes—hence the name) in adolescence boosts us into manhood.
And for the rest of our lives, testosterone—or the lack of it—plays a key role in muscle strength, lean body mass, bone density, mental sharpness, and libido. Heightened testosterone is also associated with self-confidence and social success. Low T, on the other hand, increases your risk of heart disease, prostate cancer, depression, diabetes, and stroke. Interesting fact: Despite its explosive reputation, there's no solid evidence that it causes aggression or violence. Who wouldn’t want more of a hormone like that? More...Yahoo Health

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