Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How Food Choices Affect Your Retirement

Not that many people consider how their evening meal impacts their retirement, but perhaps they should. Our daily consumption dramatically affects our finances, and changing our food choices can alter our chances of a solid retirement. Here are several ways your food selection matters for your golden years.
[See The 10 Best Places to Retire in 2012.]
You spend more while you are hungry. Expensive restaurant food isn't the only way you are induced to spend. Some businesses will fill their stores with scents like vanilla and cinnamon in an attempt to get more sales. When you are hungry, you instinctively eat more and exert less self control. Stay away from the mall when you are hungry. Eating a snack at home before shopping could allow you to put a little more cash in a retirement account.
Overeating costs more. We all know that eating out generally costs more than eating at home. We also tend to eat more when we eat out, which actually makes us feel hungry more easily. This is because the more we eat, the more our body gets used to more food and thus signals us that we need more.  More....Yahoo Finance

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