Monday, January 30, 2012

School suspends cancer survivor teen over hair he plans to donate

AP Photo/The Flint Journal, Lathan Goumas
UPDATE: Here's a link to the petition started by J.T.'s mom.
A Michigan teen who survived a bout with leukemia has been suspended from school over the length of his long hair, which he is planning to donate.
The Detroit News reports that 17-year-old J.T. Gaskins has been growing out his hair since last summer in order to donate it to the Locks of Love charity. Gaskins said he was inspired to make the donation after learning that the sister of a family friend was diagnosed with cancer. More...Yahoo News

Healthy Snacks for Staying Slim

Healthy Snacks for Staying Slim

Get Healthier Lungs with This 2-Minute Habit

Get Healthier Lungs with This 2-Minute Habit

Slow Down Aging by Cooking with This Juice

Slow Down Aging by Cooking with This Juice

Improve Colon Health with This Oil

Improve Colon Health with This Oil

Halt Cravings with This Mental Image

Halt Cravings with This Mental Image

How to Lose Weight in 2012

How to Lose Weight in 2012

Stay Calm and Focused with Meditation

Stay Calm and Focused with Meditation

Stop Making Excuses and Learn How to Be Healthy

Stop Making Excuses and Learn How to Be Healthy

How to Be Fun, Have Fun, and Stay Young

How to Be Fun, Have Fun, and Stay Young

5 Low-Cal Game Day Snacks

5 Low-Cal Game Day Snacks

How Sleepless Nights Affect Your Look (plus Simple Fixes) | Yahoo! Health

How Sleepless Nights Affect Your Look (plus Simple Fixes) Yahoo! Health

Top 3 Longevity Secrets for 2012 | Yahoo! Health

Top 3 Longevity Secrets for 2012 Yahoo! Health

3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda

America has a drinking problem. No, not booze. I'm talking about soft drinks. According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, the average American guzzles 44.7 gallons of the sweet stuff every year. Not sure what 44.7 gallons looks like? It's about what you'd need to fill a small kiddie pool.
But the truth is, you don't need me to tell you that soda isn't healthy. We all know that America’s drink of choice contributes to our country's ever-expanding obesity problem. But, as writer Leah Zerbe discovered, love handles are just the beginning. Read on for her report on three shocking soda facts that will have you saying “Just water, please” from now on.
And for more instant secrets that will keep you healthy and fit all year long, follow me right here on Twitter or sign up for our FREE Eat This, Not That! daily newsletter to lose weight without ever dieting again.  More....Yahoo Health

People Who Quit Their Jobs and Made Millions

Have you ever wished you could just quit your job and follow your dream? While reality gets in the way for many, there are some who have taken the chance and ditched their steady paychecks in order to turn their business ideas into reality.

Success is by no means guaranteed, but for the lucky ones the decision to say “I quit” has been handsomely rewarded. With hard work and determination, they’ve been able to turn their ideas into booming businesses.

The following people quit their jobs and went on to make millions, whether it was creating personal wealth or revenue for their company.  More....Yahoo Finance

Friday, January 27, 2012

Health Tip: Preparing for a Stress Test

(HealthDay News) -- A cardiac stress test gives doctors an idea of how your heart functions at rest and when it's under "stress" from activities such as treadmill exercise.
The U.S. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute says you can prepare for the test by:
  • Dressing comfortably in workout clothes, including footwear designed for exercise.
  • Checking with your doctor to see if you need to avoid food and water before the test.
  • Checking with your doctor, if you're diabetic, to see if you should adjust your medication before the test.
  • Asking your doctor if you need to avoid caffeinated beverages, certain foods or over-the-counter medications before the test.
  • Bringing any inhaler you use to the test and letting the doctor know about it.

Parents May Hold Key to Treating Kids' Obesity

MONDAY, Jan. 23 (HealthDay News) -- Parents and caregivers should be involved in treatment programs for obese children and should lead by example, praise children's progress and use setbacks as learning opportunities, experts say.
"In many cases, the adults in a family may be the most effective change agents to help obese children attain and maintain a healthier weight," Myles Faith, an associate professor of nutrition at the Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said in an American Heart Association (AHA) news release.
"To do so, the adults may need to modify their own behavior and try some research-based strategies," added Faith, who is the chair of the writing group that published an AHA scientific statement in the Jan. 23 issue of Circulation.  More...YAHOO NEWS

Device makers urge coverage of weight-loss surgery

Enlarge Photo
Subway commuters walk through the turnstiles while leaving the U.S. Open in New York …
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Device manufacturers are pushing the government and health insurers to cover weight-loss surgery, an effort that could give millions more obese Americans access to the treatments.
Advocates say it will give obese patients a complete arsenal for fighting the condition that can spur a host of life-threatening illnesses and help save billions of dollars in healthcare costs for employers and the government.
Critics argue that bariatric surgery has high rates of complications and that, ultimately, surgery does not change the behavior underlying obesity.  More....YAHOO NEWS

Long Shifts May Raise Some Nurses' Odds for Obesity

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 25 (HealthDay News) -- Nurses who work long hours and have less physically demanding jobs are much more likely to be obese than other nurses, according to a new study.
Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Nursing surveyed about 2,100 female nurses and found that about 55 percent of them were obese. They determined that nursing schedules affect nurses' health and also the quality of patient care.
"Long work hours and shift work adversely affect quantity and quality of sleep, which often interferes with adherence to healthy behavior and increases obesity," said the study's lead researcher, Kihye Han, a postdoctoral fellow at the nursing school, in a university news release.  More....YAHOO NEWS

Common Gastro Disease Occurs Even With High-Fiber Diet

FRIDAY, Jan. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Eating a high-fiber diet does not lower a person's risk of diverticulosis, but a low-fiber diet might, according to a new study that contradicts what doctors have believed for decades.
Diverticulosis is a disease of the intestines in which pouches develop in the colon wall.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine analyzed data from more than 2,100 patients, aged 30 to 80, who underwent outpatient colonoscopy between 1998 and 2010. The patients were interviewed about their diet, bowel movements and level of physical activity.
Patients with the lowest fiber intake were 30 percent less likely to develop diverticulosis than those with the highest intake, according to the study published in the February issue of the journal Gastroenterology.  More...YAHOO NEWS

Awwww: Read a 7-year-old’s heart-melting letter to Kyle Williams

US PresswireKyle Williams probably hasn't been opening much of his mail recently. The 49ers receiver who had the disastrous NFC championship game has probably seen and heard quite enough from the general public for now. Death threats as a response to football mistakes can probably make a man shy.
There's at least one letter I hope he got, though. Ben Mankiewicz at The Huffington Post passes along a letter written to Williams by his friend's little boy: a 7-year-old named Owen. Owen loves his 49ers and was as crestfallen as any other Niners fan when the Giants pulled out the overtime victory. Here's Owen's story, from Mankiewicz:
He was crying, saying of Kyle Williams, with the distinct sobs of a seven-year-old between each word, "But... why... did he... have to... fumble?"
Trying to get his son to stop crying, Michael asked him, "If you feel this way, how sad do you think Kyle Williams is?"
Owen paused a second, then asked his dad, "Can I write him a letter to make him feel better?"
Here's that letter:
Letter to Kyle WilliamsMore...Yahoo Sports

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Terrell Owens In GQ: I'm In Hell

Terrell Owens has always been an island of sorts. His brash personality and self-absorption routinely alienated his teammates during an NFL career that teetered between terrific and toxic, leaving him to fend for himself.
Now, at 38 and out of football, he's lonelier than ever, and running out of money. In a GQ profile, Owens comes across as wounded, broke and desperate. When people text him to ask where he is, he replies back: "I'm in hell."
But is it his own fault? That's the perennial debate on T.O., who had a heartbreaking childhood but continually pointed fingers at everyone but himself once he became an adult.
In the GQ story by Nancy Hass, Owens blames the media for not giving him a chance to rehab his injury, blames agent Drew Rosenhaus for not protecting him from a bad business arrangement, and -- perhaps most surprisingly -- blames a former team captain for his issues with former Philadelphia teammate Donovan McNabb.  More....Yahoo Sports

Khloe Kardashian Taking to the Dallas Airwaves

John Shearer/WireImage
John Shearer/WireImage

You've heard it before: The Kardashians are famous for being famous. That fame, in turn, has also made them
filthy rich thanks to multiple reality shows, million-dollar wedding specials (apparently, how long you actually stay married doesn't make a difference in what you get paid for said specials), opening their own retail stores, endorsement deals, and red carpet appearances.
But have any one of these Kardashian sisters actually ever held a real job? The answer is about to be yes. Dallas, meet your newest radio DJ: Khloe Kardashian.
"I have some very exciting news for you," I'm returning to radio!!!!!!," Kardashian posted on
If you're wondering about that word "returning," Khloe actually had a short stint on a weekly Miami radio program a few years back while she was living in the South Florida city to shoot one of her many (you guessed it) reality shows, "Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami." her blog Tuesday night. "I'll be joining the team at Mix 102.9 every day from 12-1pm CST for my very own show, The Mix Up with Khloé, and I could not be more thrilled about it!" More....omg from Yahoo

Why Billy Cundiff was rushed on the fateful field goal try

Getty Images
No one has provided more information on Billy Cundiff's miss than Stefan Fatsis, author of "A Few Seconds of Panic," a book about his brief stint as a backup kicker with the Denver Broncos in training camp. For Deadspin, Fatsis has talked with Cundiff and has his own uniquely qualified perspective on the yank.
To summarize — and you should go read the whole thing — Cundiff has a specific routine he follows when the Ravens get into field goal range. On first down, he does one thing. On second, something else. Third, something else. Unfortunately, the Patriots scoreboard had the down wrong, which threw Cundiff out of whack.  More....Yahoo Sports

Press Release Was Prepared Announcing Death Of Seton Hall Power Forward Herb Pope

Herb Pope will never forget the day he died -- and he even has the piece of paper to prove it.
Today Pope, a 6-8 power forward from Seton Hall, is in the running to become Big East player of the year and looks set to join boyhood contemporaries Derrick Rose and Kevin Love in the NBA after his senior season.
Yet back in April 2010, the native of Aliquippa, Pa., collapsed while climbing stairs to a weight room at the Pirates' Walsh Gymnasium and his heart stopped beating -- rendering him clinically dead.  More...Yahoo Sports

A-Rod sells his NYC condo for a considerable profit

A-Rod just sold this 3,500-square foot apartment for $8 million. (ModlinGroup)

Alex Rodriguez's baseball skills and ability to commit to one celebrity girlfriend may be on the decline, but he's apparently at the top of his game when it comes to investing in real estate.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the New York Yankees third basemen has already received a contract for his 3,500-square foot condo on the 35th floor of the Rushmore building on Manhattan's Upper West Side. The listing with Modlin Group says the property was posted for $8 million, so A-Rod is likely making a tidy profit after paying just $5.5 million for the five-bedroom place last February. (Of course, considering he makes close to $30 million a year with the Yankees, that sort of haul is just walking around money to A-Rod.) More....Yahoo Sports

The Kid’s kid, Trey Griffey, commits to play football at Arizona

Melissa, Trey and Ken Griffey Jr. — Orlando Sentinel
Melissa, Trey and Ken Griffey Jr. — Orlando Sentinel

As first reported by the Orlando Sentinel, Trey Griffey, the eldest child of future MLB Hall of Fame outfielder Ken Griffey Jr. who chose to focus on football instead of baseball, committed to play college football at the University of Arizona on Monday night. Griffey can make his decision official on National Signing Day on Feb. 1.
"I feel great … it was basically just the atmosphere and I loved everything about it," Trey Griffey told the Sentinel. "It was just a great, enjoyable trip to Tucson.
"My parents said, 'It's up to you, you got to do what you want to do ... what you feel is right.' I'm going to the University of Arizona. It doesn't get any better than that." More....Yahoo Sports

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lose Your Over-40 Belly Fat | Yahoo! Health

Lose Your Over-40 Belly Fat Yahoo! Health

Calming Your Child After a Nightmare | Yahoo! Health

Calming Your Child After a Nightmare Yahoo! Health

Study Alerts Diabetics on Oral Hygiene | Yahoo! Health

Study Alerts Diabetics on Oral Hygiene Yahoo! Health

6 Worst Soups in America | Yahoo! Health

6 Worst Soups in America Yahoo! Health

Timeline for Better Sleep | Yahoo! Health

Timeline for Better Sleep Yahoo! Health

Top 3 Longevity Secrets for 2012 | Yahoo! Health

Top 3 Longevity Secrets for 2012 Yahoo! Health

7 Easy Ways to Eat Less This Year | Yahoo! Health

7 Easy Ways to Eat Less This Year Yahoo! Health

Depression Facts

Depression is mental illness that ranges in severity and impacts millions of Americans. Knowledge is always powerful for patients and the public, and this is especially true with mental illnesses like depression.

Who Is Afflicted With Depression?

According to the Washington University School of Medicine, 17.5 million Americans are diagnosed with depression and of these people, 9.2 million have what is referred to as clinical or major depression. This is not a rare disease nor is it a minor affliction that someone can just snap out of. It is a real medical condition that almost always requires some form of medical treatment to control and overcome.

Older Adults, Suicide and Depression

In 2004, 16 percent of suicide victims in the United States were those over the age of 65, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Of these patients, as many as 75 percent saw a physician within a month of committing suicide. Depression is often present in people over 65 who commit suicide. health

Eat Orange Foods for Longevity

Cure for the dark and drab winter days: think orange! Eat more super sunny orange foods to brighten up your health with powerful antioxidants that combat free radicals and fight disease. The pigments that give orange foods their coloring are a class of phytochemicals that give your health a hue of longevity!

This lively color enhances not only your health, but also your mood. Ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures used chromotherapy as a healing modality for various ailments. Orange was used to strengthen the lungs and increase energy levels. In addition to boosting your mood, orange-colored foods are full of vital nutrients that can combat disease.

9 Best Fitness Moves of All Time

It's resolution time! As we ring in the new year, many people often turn their focus from indulgence to moderation and start working to shed a few pounds they gained over the holidays. With this in mind, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) compiled a list of the best moves to target problem areas and keep your body lean and fit throughout winter.
Though you may have a particular body part in mind right now, ACE pooh-poohs the idea of "spot reduction" -- they say it's based on the flawed notion that it's possible to burn fat from one area of your body at a time, which, unfortunately, it is not (so much for those fantasies of shrinking your thighs and adding the leftover volume to your bust!).
However! Though the best way to think about staying fit any time of year is to go for a total-body approach, focusing on cardio and overall strength, it is indeed possible to sculpt your physique by paying additional attention to a few key areas many of us consider to be "problem" body spots:  Sourced By:  yahoo health

What Your Looks Say About Your Health | Yahoo! Health

What Your Looks Say About Your Health Yahoo! Health

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The #1 Most Important Hormone for Men

Make no mistake, guys: Our manhoods are under attack. I’m talking about testosterone, the hormone that literally makes us men. Delivery of the right amount at the critical moment shifts development of a fetus away from the basic human blueprint, which is female, and onto the path to masculinity. A surge in testosterone (from the testes—hence the name) in adolescence boosts us into manhood.
And for the rest of our lives, testosterone—or the lack of it—plays a key role in muscle strength, lean body mass, bone density, mental sharpness, and libido. Heightened testosterone is also associated with self-confidence and social success. Low T, on the other hand, increases your risk of heart disease, prostate cancer, depression, diabetes, and stroke. Interesting fact: Despite its explosive reputation, there's no solid evidence that it causes aggression or violence. Who wouldn’t want more of a hormone like that? More...Yahoo Health

Fish oil plus exercise may do older muscles good

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older women may be able to boost their muscle strength by adding fish oil supplements to their exercise routine, a small clinical trial suggests.
Researchers found that three months of strength training helped increase muscle strength among 45 healthy women in their 60s. But those who used fish oil at the same time had somewhat greater gains.
Whether older women should run out to buy fish oil for the sake of their muscles remains to be seen.
It's not clear whether the extra strength gain would be meaningful in a woman's life -- and, therefore, worth the cost and potential side effects of fish oil pills.
The findings are "intriguing" and deserve further study, said Catherine Jackson, a professor of kinesiology at California State University in Fresno who was not involved in the study.
But, she told Reuters Health in an email, "I would be a bit cautious about over-interpretation."  More...Yahoo Health

9 Best Fitness Moves of All Time

It's resolution time! As we ring in the new year, many people often turn their focus from indulgence to moderation and start working to shed a few pounds they gained over the holidays. With this in mind, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) compiled a list of the best moves to target problem areas and keep your body lean and fit throughout winter.
Though you may have a particular body part in mind right now, ACE pooh-poohs the idea of "spot reduction" -- they say it's based on the flawed notion that it's possible to burn fat from one area of your body at a time, which, unfortunately, it is not (so much for those fantasies of shrinking your thighs and adding the leftover volume to your bust!).
However! Though the best way to think about staying fit any time of year is to go for a total-body approach, focusing on cardio and overall strength, it is indeed possible to sculpt your physique by paying additional attention to a few key areas many of us consider to be "problem" body spots:  More....Yahoo Health

12 Ways to Fight Stress and Help Your Heart


Can stress hurt your heart?

By Amanda Gardner
The evidence is piling up that the answer is—yes, stress is bad for your ticker.

“There are studies to show that stress is comparable to other risk factors that we traditionally think of as major, like hypertension, poor diet, and lack of exercise,” says Kathi Heffner, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at the Rochester Center for Mind-Body Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.

Here are 12 steps you can take to fight stress and protect your heart.  More....:

'Impressed' and 'Delighted' Warren Buffett Matches GOP Rep's Deficit Donations

Warren Buffett will be writing a check made out to the United States Treasury for just over $49,000 to help pay down the national debt.
He's matching voluntary contributions made this year and last year by Rep. Scott Rigell, a Republican representing Virginia.
In a letter to Rep. Rigell released today by Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett writes he's "particularly impressed that you took this action before my challenge."
[ See also: Why Mitt Romney's Tax Rate Matters  ]
In his challenge, issued in a Time Magazine interview last week, Buffett promises to match voluntary contributions aimed at reducing the deficit by "all Republican members of Congress, and I'll even go three for one with (Senate Minority Leader Mitch) McConnell."
McConnell, and other critics of Buffett's call for higher tax rates on the super-rich, have been suggesting that if Buffett thinks he's not taxed enough then he should "send in a check" to the Treasury.
In his letter to Buffett, also released by Berkshire, Rep. Rigell writes, that he "appreciates" and "gladly accepts" Buffett's "generous offer."

Cindy Crawford’s Daughter Makes Modeling Debut in Versace Campaign

Cindy Crawford's daughter, Kaia Gerber, is the new face of Young Versace
Cindy Crawford's daughter, Kaia Gerber, is the new face of Young Versace
Cindy Crawford is arguably one of the best supermodels ever, and now her lookalike daughter is fast-tracked for a similar career. While the 45-year-old is retired from the runway, her 10-year-old offspring, Kaia Gerber, is picking up where her mom left off, posing for the new Young Versace campaign. In her modeling debut, Kaia (whose father is entrepreneur Rande Gerber) shows she's definitely inherited her mother's photogenic qualities.

Check out Cindy Crawford's still-fab bikini body

In the 1990s, Crawford took the fashion industry by storm and served as muse to the late Gianni Versace. It's only fitting that her daughter Kaia would now be the face of the Young Versace line, which outfits children up to age 12. The Daily Mail reports that Crawford couldn't be more proud of her stunning little girl. More.....Shine from Yahoo

Amazing! See Jersey Shore's Snooki Without Makeup

Amazing! See Jersey Shore's Snooki Without Makeup
Ever wonder what Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi would look like without several layers of bronzer, fake eyelashes and a permanent smoky eye?
PHOTOS: Stars without makeup
Wonder no more. The 24-year-old Jersey Shore star unveiled a makeup-free face on Twitter Wednesday, letting her natural beauty take center stage.
VIDEO: Snooki on her body: "What the hell happened?"
Fans praised the MTV star's fresh-faced look, prompting the 4-foot-9 "Princess of Poughkeepsie" to express her gratitude via the social networking site.
"Can I just say how amazing my fans/supporters are!" Polizzi wrote. "You guys really know how to put a smile on my face! Love you all beyond words.  Sourced By:Yahoo Tv

Taylor Swift: ‘I Don’t Ever Feel Like the Cool Kid’

Mario Testino/Vogue
Mario Testino/Vogue

In a new interview in the February issue of Vogue -- Taylor Swift's first turn on the legendary fashion mag's cover -- the 22-year-old country-pop star has just one word to describe her teen years.

See More Photos and Read the Full Interview With Taylor Swift
"So . . . middle school? Awkward," says Swift, who grew up in Pennsylvania, first on a rural Christmas tree farm and later in a wealthier suburban area. "Having a hobby that's different from everyone else's? Awkward. Singing the national anthem on weekends instead of going to sleepovers? More awkward. Gain a lot of weight before you hit the growth spurt? Awkward. Frizzy hair, don't embrace the curls yet? Awkward. Try to straighten it? Awkward!"
And despite her current fame, all those Grammys, lots of big paychecks (oh, and even a Vogue cover, her "awkward" past is still hard to shake. "I think who you are in school really sticks with you," Swift admits. "I don't ever feel like the cool kid at the party, ever. It's like, Smile and be nice to everybody, because you were not invited to be here."  More....OMG from Yahoo

Experts Reveal: 15 Small Diet Changes for Big Weight Loss

Make 2012 the year you ditch the diets and start living in a healthy way. Try any one of these small, expert-approved tips for big (and healthy) changes.

Drink water with lemon to rev up your metabolism.
Drink water with lemon to rev up your metabolism.
1. Jackie Warner: Drink water with lemon: You already know drinking water is good for your overall health, but fitness expert, celebrity trainer, and star of "Personal Training with Jackie: 30 Day Fast Start" Jackie Warner has a tip to take it up a notch in the weight-loss department. She recommends drinking 3 liters of water with lemon each and every day.

"Adding the lemon helps to detoxify the liver and metabolizes fat, so this can speed up metabolism by about 33 percent," Warner says. "That burns about 100 extra calories per day!" More....Shine from Yahoo

‘Haywire’ Star Gina Carano Beats Up Some of Hollywood’s Leading Men

Photo: Relativity Media
Steven Soderbergh's latest movie, "Haywire," opens with a bruised woman, Mallory (Gina Carano), casing a roadside truck stop from behind a snowbank. She enters the greasy spoon and takes a booth. Soon, Aaron (Channing Tatum) shows up. A few tense words are exchanged before he throws hot coffee in her face and starts a shockingly brutal beatdown. Once she regains her footing, however, she cleans his clock with ruthless efficiency. Of course, before he started acting, Tatum was a male stripper. Carano, however, was an American Gladiator and a mixed martial arts (MMA) champ. Not really a fair fight.  More....Yahoo Movies

....Mount Rainier snowshoer burned money for warmth

  • In this undated photo provided by Mount Rainier National Park, Yong Chun Kim, 66, …
  • In this Monday, Jan. 16, 2012 photo provided by Yong Chun Kim, of Tacoma, Wash., …
  • Yong Chun Kim, 66, of Tacoma, Wash., talks at his home about his experience being lost in a blizzard for two days on Washington state's Mount Rainier, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. Kim burned personal items such as socks and even a  bill to keep warm during his ordeal. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) Yong Chun Kim, 66, of Tacoma, Wash., talks at his home about his experience being …
  • Yong Chun Kim, 66, of Tacoma, Wash., looks through photos on his camera as he talks about his experience being lost in a blizzard for two days on Washington state's Mount Rainier, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. Kim burned personal items such as socks and even a  bill to keep warm during his ordeal. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) Yong Chun Kim, 66, of Tacoma, Wash., looks through photos on his camera as he talks …
TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — A snowshoer who was lost in a blizzard for two days on Washington state's Mount Rainier said he stayed alive by digging out a snow tunnel and burning the dollar bills for warmth.
Yong Chun Kim, 66, of Tacoma, said he carried a lighter and other emergency supplies and burned personal items: extra socks, Band-Aid, toothbrush, packaging, and lastly $1 and $5 bills from his wallet.
Kim, who served in the South Korean military in the Vietnam War, told KOMO-TV in Seattle that skills he learned as a soldier helped him survive. He said he wasn't scared. He kept waiting for the sounds of the helicopter — though severe weather conditions prevented park officials from using one to search for Kim.
"I'm a lucky man, a really lucky man," he said in an interview Tuesday afternoon from his home.  More....Yahoo News

Monday, January 16, 2012

Serena Williams hasn’t been on a date in ‘forever’

(Getty Images)
Despite being the presumed subject of an ongoing rap beef between Drake and Common, Serena Williams insists her love life isn't very exciting.
The American tennis star is in Melbourne for next week's Australian Open and answered questions about her relationship status at a Thursday press conference.
"I haven't been on a date in forever," Williams she said.
"I can be super picky, never satisfied. It's a little crazy right now because there's so much going on that when I'm not playing tennis I don't sleep because I'm always doing something."
Serena dated the rapper Common on and off for three years. The two broke up sometime last year, reportedly leaving the Chicago-born artist "heartsick." Since then, Serena has been hanging around with the Canadian TV star-turned-rapper Drake. The two were photographed playing tennis together while Serena was out with an injury last year, though both insist the relationship is platonic.

Best & Worst Food Trends to Watch For

Many years from now, historians will look back at 2011 and label it The Stupidest Year Ever. From Tweeting Weiners, to the Congress that Couldn’t, to anything involving tigers (Tiger Moms, Tiger Blood, Tiger Woods), the whole year was an exercise in bad judgment and questionable choices. (And yes, it’s okay to ask Kim Kardashian to return your wedding gift.)
With all the nutsiness going on, the really dumb things the food industry did this year might have slipped off your radar. Too bad, because unless you know what’s really happening to your food, you won’t know what’s really happening to your body.
And it isn’t pretty. 
If you want to make 2012 your leanest year yet (and I know you do!), you should do two things: First, fill your fridge and pantry with healthy options (the all-new Eat This, Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide can help you with thousands of smart food swaps); and second, read on to discover the food trends that will make you fat—or help you get skinny—next year and beyond. More...Yahoo Health

Towering legend, flawed man? King's image evolving

In this Monday, Aug. 22, 2011, photo, quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr., are inscribed …
WASHINGTON (AP) — On the National Mall in Washington, Martin Luther King Jr. is a towering, heroic figure carved in stone. On the Broadway stage, he's a living, breathing man who chain smokes, sips liquor and occasionally curses.
As Americans honor King's memory 44 years after he was assassinated, the image of the slain civil rights leader is evolving.
The new King memorial, which opened in August in the nation's capital, celebrates the ideals King espoused. Quotations from his speeches and writings conjure memories of his message, and a 30-foot-tall sculpture depicts King emerging as a "stone of hope" from a "mountain of despair," a design inspired by a line of his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
Some gaze upon this figure in silence. Some smile and pull out cell phone cameras. Others chat about how closely the statue resembles King. And some are moved to tears.  More...Yahoo News

Behind-the-Scenes Moments at the Golden Globes

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Angelina Jolie set tongues wagging before the Golden Globes ceremony had even begun on Sunday with a racy off-camera remark about her partner Brad Pitt.
While Brangelina were both a model of sophistication during their television interviews, Jolie cheekily let her guard slip towards the end of her marathon media stint on the red carpet.
When asked what she was most looking forward to from the evening, AP reports she winked and whispered: "Getting into bed with Brad."
Jolie's quip was one of several priceless celebrity moments from the Beverly Hilton Hotel that television viewers never got to see.
The star-studded bash, hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, has a reputation for being more light-hearted and relaxed than the Academy Awards, and plenty of stars were happy to let their hair down.
Mark Wahlberg was in such fine spirits while chatting to friends at the outer bar that he had to be hurriedly ushered backstage to present the award for best actor in a comedy to Jean Dugardin.  More...OMG Yahoo

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

.....Buffett to Republicans: if you pay, so will I

Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett attends a news conference after the opening ceremony of Tungaloy Corp's new plant in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture November 21, 2011.  REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett attends a news conference after the opening ceremony of Tungaloy Corp's new plant in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture November 21, 2011. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
WASHINGTON/BOSTON (Reuters) - Warren Buffett is willing to put his money where his mouth is, if only congressional Republicans would join him.
The American billionaire investor, in the new issue of Time magazine, says he would donate $1 to paying down the national debt for every dollar donated by a Republican in Congress. The only exception is Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell - for whom Buffett said he would go $3-to-$1.
The idea stems from a New York Times opinion piece Buffett wrote last August in which he said the rich ought to pay more taxes. It sparked an instant controversy, with some Washington conservatives calling on the 81-year-old "Oracle of Omaha" to voluntarily pay extra.  More.....Yahoo fianace

Halle Berry’s New Man Moves the Web

Olivier Martinez & Halle Berry
Olivier Martinez & Halle Berry (Photo: Maury Phillips/
Halle Berry, care to amend your statement? The Oscar winner was adamant in 2004 when she told Oprah, and the world, "I will never marry again. I mean it with every bone in my body."

But according to many reports, the star has had a change of heart, becoming engaged to the actor Olivier Martinez. The gossip magazine Us Weekly confirmed that the Frenchman proposed over the holidays with a "one-of-a-kind" emerald-and-diamond ring from Gurhan.
The happy news caused searches on Yahoo! to surge on the pair, including "olivier martinez actor," "olivier martinez biography," and "olivier martinez and halle berry."
Photos: Halle Berry on the red carpet >>
The two met on the set of "Dark Tide," and went public as a couple in the fall of 2010. Perhaps it's not surprising that Berry was gun-shy of tying the knot a third time. Her two previous marriages ended in divorce: with former baseball player David Justice and then with singer Eric Benet.  More....Yahoo Movies

Justin Bieber seeks Jackson-like fame, and no drugs

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Teen idol Justin Bieber turns 18 in March with a long and ambitious to-do list -- to still be around at 30, to be as famous as Michael Jackson, and to avoid singing about sex and drugs.
"Hopefully by the time I'm 30 people will remember me," the Canadian singer told V Magazine in an lengthy interview. "I don't want people to just think of me as a teen sensation."
But the "Baby" singer said he was determined to maintain the squeaky clean persona that has brought him millions of mostly young female fans, and their mothers.
"I'm never going to make myself so the kids and the parents don't respect me," he said. "I want to be able to do what Michael (Jackson) did -- he always sang clean lyrics...I don't want to start singing about things like sex, drugs, and swearing."
Bieber, who has been dating Disney Channel star Selena Gomez for several months, added that he still had some growing up to do.
"I'm into love, and maybe I'll get more into making love when I'm older. But I want to be someone who is respected by everybody," he told the U.S. fashion magazine.  More.....Yahoo Music

Madonna: New Album Is Called 'M.D.N.A.'

Madonna has revealed that her 12th studio album will be titled M.D.N.A. The record, her first for Interscope after spending her entire career recording for Warner Bros., is expected to hit stores before the end of March, though no release date has been confirmed.

Madonna announced the title during a taping of The Graham Norton Show, a popular BBC talk show. (Though the interview was taped today, the episode will air at a later date.) When asked about the release date, Madonna reportedly complained about her music being leaked by her fans. "It depends how quickly people hack into my server and leak it," she told Norton. "Can people wait? It's terrible."

According to Glamour
, Norton and Madonna also chatted about Lady Gaga. "When I first saw [Gaga] I was really impressed by her and she was cool," Madonna reportedly said. "She did remind me of me back in the day. I do think she is very talented."  Sourced By:  Yahoo Music

Timberlake and Biel Engaged

Photo: Kevin Mazur/VF11/WireImage
Superstar A-listers Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are engaged. The news first broke yesterday via Us Weekly. has now confirmed the report.

Yahoo! searches on the engagement soared following the initial report. Lookups for "justin timberlake engaged" spiked 4,877%. Related searches for "justin timberlake jessica biel rumors" roared to a 1,913% gain, and queries on "justin timberlake and jessica biel engaged" jumped 1,467%.

The couple, who have been dating for some time, are known for their fiercely private natures when it comes to their relationship. The recent announcement appears to be no exception. Thus far, neither has spoken out. According to People, Timberlake popped the question during a recent vacation. Timberlake apparently gave Biel a "custom-designed" ring.
Timberlake's grandmother has spoken out about the good news. Sadie Bomar told blog Gossip Cop, "He called me on Christmas Day and told me he's engaged ... the family loves Jessie ... she's a very sweet girl."
While Timberlake and Biel have been together for some time, they did break up for a brief period in 2011. Prior to Biel, Timberlake dated Britney Spears and Cameron Diaz. Biel was linked with "Captain America" star Chris Evans for several years.  Sourced By:  Yahoo Music

Blue Ivy Carter becomes youngest ever on Billboard

  • FILE - In this Jan. 11, 2009 file photo, Beyonce, left, is joined by husband Jay-Z, as she arrives at the 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif. Through a rap verse, Jay-Z has confirmed the birth of "the most beautiful girl in the world" _ his newborn daughter. The song "Glory" made its debut on his social website Monday, Jan. 9, 2012, two days after he and Beyonce reportedly gave birth to a daughter, Blue Ivy. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, file)Enlarge Photo FILE - In this Jan. 11, 2009 file photo, Beyonce, left, is joined by husband Jay-Z, …
NEW YORK (AP) — She's not even a week old, but Blue Ivy Carter is already making music history.
Billboard says that thanks to her dad, Jay-Z, featuring her on his new song, "Glory," Blue becomes the youngest person to ever appear on its chart.
Jay-Z released the song about his first-born child with wife Beyonce on Monday, and it immediately became a viral sensation. The song, which credits B.I.C., features the sound of Blue's cries at the end.
The song's refrain is "The most amazing feeling I feel/Words can't describe what I'm feeling for real/ Maybe I paint the sky blue/My greatest creation was you. You. Glory."
Now, the song will enter Billboard's chart next week at No. 74.
Blue was born Saturday, and her parents confirmed her birth Monday.   Sourced Yahoo Music

‘The Biggest Loser’: Who Will Win Season 13?

A new crop of contestants is ready to drop the pounds on Season 13 of "The Biggest Loser" (Chris Haston/NBC)
A new crop of contestants is ready to drop the pounds on Season 13 of "The Biggest Loser" (Chris Haston/NBC)
Is it just us, or is NBC's "Biggest Loser" never not on TV? Seriously, does this show never take a break? Anyway, even though it seems like Season 12 barely ended, Season 13 is already underway, with a fresh batch of heavy contestants eager to let America watch them at their most vulnerable. Here's who's who and who we think has the best odds of winning, based on the season premiere: More...Yahoo TV

Monday, January 9, 2012

Why You SHOULD Tell Everyone You're on a Diet

Did you set a weight-loss goal for the new year? Have you told everyone about it? You should! That is, if you want to succeed...

See more: The Healthiest Cities for Women

It can be tempting to keep your goals a secret, whether they're diet and fitness-related or not. Why? Maybe you're afraid of failing in public, or "jinxing" your dream. If that sounds familiar, you're not alone -- almost one-quarter of respondents in a poll say they keep their New Year's goals on the down low.

But according to University of Scranton Psychology Professor John C. Norcross, PhD, co-author of Changing for Good, keeping your plans a secret is a bad idea. "Public commitments are more effective that private declarations," he says.

You should share your diet goals -- and any of your other New Year's resolutions! According to Norcross, decades of research have shown that making your goal public increases your chances of success because it puts you out there: "Y

Top 10 Signs It's Time to Switch Gyms

Source: Top 10 Signs It's Time to Switch Gyms

We can't all afford to go to luxurious health clubs with Olympic-sized pools, indoor tennis courts, and live DJs spinning during spin classes, so we learn to live with the basics. But here are some things that are absolute deal breakers when it comes to a gym, and if these sound all too familiar, it's time to start shopping for a new one.

  1. You have to share your shower with soap scum, mildew, and spiders.
  2. You've seen more clothes worn by people at the beach than at your gym.
  3. Most of the equipment is older than your grandmother.
  4. Your locker is just big enough to fit one sneaker and a granola bar.
  5. When you tell a staff member they're out of towels, they point to the dirty hamper and say, "No we're not."
More...shine from yahoo

50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2012

A guide to mastering your money in the new year
A new year offers a fresh start. Whether you're ready to ramp up your earning power, start saving more money, or manage what you have more effectively, this 50-step guide is designed to help you improve every aspect of your financial life, from overall security to specific saving and spending strategies.  More....Yahoo finance

Money Hacks 2012--8 Shortcuts to Getting Richer

Want to turbocharge your change jar? In this post a few months back, guest columnist Len Penzo suggested adding dollars to the mix: "When you are out during the day, don't spend any dollar bills you get as change. Then, after you come home and are ready to make contributions to your jar, be sure to include all of those unspent dollar bills along with your coins—and if you have no singles, then pull out a fiver and drop it in the jar."
They're called "hacks": clever solutions to tricky problems. Here are some of my favorites to help you save more or spend less.
Did you make a New Year's resolution? If not, there's still time—after all, the year's still "new" until you remember to stop dating things 2011.
But whether your resolution is getting in better physical shape, dropping bad habits, or improving your finances, odds are it's about changing your behavior—no walk in the park. One thing that will help? Using simple shortcuts that remove some of the pain from the process.
In the digital age, shortcuts to solutions are often called "hacks." Now let's look at these money-making and saving hacks.  More....Yahoo finance

World's Billionaires 2011

This 25th year of tracking global wealth was one to remember. The 2011 Billionaires List breaks two records: total number of listees (1,210) and combined wealth ($4.5 trillion). This horde surpasses the gross domestic product of Germany, one of only six nations to have fewer billionaires this year. BRICs led the way: Brazil, Russia, India and China produced 108 of the 214 new names. These four nations are home to one in four members, up from one in 10 five years ago. Before this year only the U.S. had ever produced more than 100 billionaires. China now has 115 and Russia 101.
Atop the heap is Mexico's Carlos Slim Helú, who added $20.5 billion to his fortune, more than any other billionaire. The telecom mogul, who gets 62% of his fortune from America Movil (NYSE: AMX - News), is now worth $74 billion and has pulled far ahead of his two closest rivals. Bill Gates, No. 2, and Warren Buffett, No. 3, both added a more modest $3 billion to their piles and are now worth $56 billion and $50 billion, respectively. Gates, who now gets 70% of his fortune from investments outside of Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT - News), has actually been investing in the Mexican stock market and has holdings in Mexican Coke bottler Femsa and Grupo Televisa (NYSE: TV - News).  More.....Yahoo Finance

Tebow Time: The three 3:16 references, boffo TV ratings and Lady Gaga love

The NFL bans eye-black messagers. Tebow's numbers did the preaching on Sunday. (Lynn Sladky/AP)

You ever feel like there's too much Tim Tebow news? Neither do I. Here's a roundup of some of the most interesting Timbits from the aftermath of the Denver Broncos 29-23 overtime victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers.
• The fact that Tebow had 316 yards passing and averaged 31.6 yards per pass in the game didn't escape notice on Sunday night. Tebow wore "John 3:16" on his eye black in the 2009 BCS Championship game and has since become identified with the famous Bible message. The coincidental stats caused millions of fans to perform Google searches on the Bible passage in the past 24 hours. Here's one more unbelievable stat: John Ourand of Sports Business Journal reports that the final quarter-hour television rating for the Broncos-Steelers game was, you guessed it, 31.6.
• Will Brinson of has some more fun with Tebow numbers.
• Tebow earned $250,000 for the victory based on an incentive written into his contract. Since he took 70 percent of the team's snaps this season, he is entitled to a quarter-million dollars for every Broncos playoff victory.  More.....Yahoo sports

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2012

A guide to mastering your money in the new year
A new year offers a fresh start. Whether you're ready to ramp up your earning power, start saving more money, or manage what you have more effectively, this 50-step guide is designed to help you improve every aspect of your financial life, from overall security to specific saving and spending strategies.
1. Focus on the "why" of your goals instead of the "how." Planning exactly how you will reach a goal, such as saving more money, can actually make it harder to reach that goal, according to research by Julia Belyavsky Bayuk, an assistant professor at the University of Delaware. She found that focusing more on the motivation behind a goal instead of the specifics of how it will be achieved can increase the likelihood of success. That's partly because having a more "abstract" mindset can help people deal with unexpected challenges along the way.  More..Yahoo Finance

What Your Starbucks Habit Really Costs You

It's getting a little more expensive to have a Starbucks habit.

The Seattle-based coffee company (SBUX) said Tuesday that it would hike prices by an average of 1% in the Northeast and Sunbelt regions, where prices haven't been raised in roughly five years.

Starbucks is following the lead of other food companies, including McDonald's and Chipotle, which have hiked prices in the past year to cope with rising commodity costs.

The company said the average price of a "tall" -- the smallest drink -- brewed beverage will rise by 10 cents in New York. This morning the price hike was already in effect, as caffeine cravers shelled out $2.01 for a cup of coffee, up from $1.91. The coffee house allows for some regional pricing, so the actual cost of your morning habit could vary. But that could easily bump the price of a large -- "venti" -- latte over $4 a cup, not including tip.  More....Yahoo Finance

How Food Choices Affect Your Retirement

Not that many people consider how their evening meal impacts their retirement, but perhaps they should. Our daily consumption dramatically affects our finances, and changing our food choices can alter our chances of a solid retirement. Here are several ways your food selection matters for your golden years.
[See The 10 Best Places to Retire in 2012.]
You spend more while you are hungry. Expensive restaurant food isn't the only way you are induced to spend. Some businesses will fill their stores with scents like vanilla and cinnamon in an attempt to get more sales. When you are hungry, you instinctively eat more and exert less self control. Stay away from the mall when you are hungry. Eating a snack at home before shopping could allow you to put a little more cash in a retirement account.
Overeating costs more. We all know that eating out generally costs more than eating at home. We also tend to eat more when we eat out, which actually makes us feel hungry more easily. This is because the more we eat, the more our body gets used to more food and thus signals us that we need more.  More....Yahoo Finance

The Hottest New Grocery Scam Could Be Lurking in Your Pantry Right Now

New book reveals olive oil scam. (Photo: Thinkstock)
New book reveals olive oil scam. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Celebrity chefs have made olive oil a $720 million business in the U.S., but a new book is blowing the lid off an industry that might be built in part on the backs of crooks.

That's the argument Tom Mueller makes in Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil. “I was sitting in a dark bar with an undercover cop in Italy, and he was telling me about deals being cut with high-level politicians and millions of dollars in EU subsidies being misappropriated,” Mueller told the New York Post. “He was speaking in this hushed tone, and I had to laugh, because this was not black-market plutonium or drugs, this was olive oil.”More.....Yahoo finance