Friday, September 23, 2011

5 Foods That Can Trigger a Stroke

Few things feel more terrifying and random than a stroke, which can strike without warning. And fear of stroke -- when a blood vessel in or leading to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, starving brain cells of oxygen and nutrients -- is well founded. After all, stroke is the number-three killer in the U.S., affecting more than 700,000 people each year. Here are five foods that cause the damage that leads to stroke.  More...Yahoo Health

Warm Up: Walking Lunge

Do this routine twice pre-WOD to prime muscles. Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms overhead. Lunge forward with left foot so left thigh is parallel to floor, knee over ankle, right knee touching floor (as shown). Return to standing for 1 rep; repeat on opposite side, traveling forward. Continue, alternating sides. Do 20 reps. * works abs, butt, thighs, hamstrings

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Sourced By: Yahoo Health

Get Going!

The Expert
Denise Thomas, CrossFit Level 2 (the highest!) coach at Reebok CrossFit One in Canton, Massachusetts
You'll Need
A timer (our favorite: the free GymBoss app), a 5- to 15-pound dumbbell and a hand towel
Your Plan
After completing the warm-up described in this slideshow two times through, do workouts of the day (WODs) 1, 2 and 3 once each week on separate days. Track your progress for one month, then marvel at your improvement. Three, two, one...go! That's how CrossFitters start each WOD.
How to Talk CrossFit
Box: What CrossFitters call the gym. They hit the box!
WOD: Pronounced like "wad" (as in gum), it stands for Workout of the Day. You'll get three fast, effective WODs here.
Task Priority: Some WODs tell you exactly how many reps to do (e.g., three rounds of 10). Your goal is to race the clock—complete them as fast as you can with good form.
Time Priority: Other WODs (like WODs 1 and 3) tell you precisely how many minutes you have to perform AMRAP (as many rounds or reps as possible). Hustle, hustle! Sourced By: Yahoo heath

Formulating functional fitness for everyday people

NEW YORK (Reuters) -A mother-to-be hoists a rubber cylinder overhead. A 70-year-old balances on a wobble board and a firefighter grips a medicine ball while lunging across the gym floor.
Called functional training, workouts mirroring the activities of daily life have become a cornerstone of personal training sessions and group fitness classes, even if daily life can encompass anything from lifting a baby to scaling a burning building.
"Functional fitness has moved beyond the trend stage, and is simply one of the driving forces for many of the 50 million health club members," said Meredith Poppler of IHRSA (International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association).
It's basically exercise aimed at improving the quality of life and movement.
"Functional fitness is exercise that mimics everyday tasks," explained Frank Salzone, a trainer with the Equinox chain of fitness centers. "I always put my personal clients through functional training." More....Yahoo Health

4 Fitness Secrets from the NFL

Aaron Rodgers. Drew Brees. LaDainian Tomlinson. Reggie Bush. Besides being NFL Pro Bowlers, what do these guys have in common?
They're all trained by Todd Durkin, C.S.C.S., owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, a contributor to Men's Health, and author of The Impact! Body Plan.
Durkin makes his living training elite athletes, but he also helps average men (and women) achieve their ideal bodies too. And he does so with the very same strategies, exercises, and workout plans he gives top athletes. Walk into his gym, in fact, and you may very well see a grandmother training next to an NFL superstar. That's pretty cool.
We recently asked Durkin to how top NFL athletes get and stay in peak physical condition—and how you can do it, too. Here's what he told us.
Secret #1: Work Your Weaknesses
Durkin: The average guy avoids exercises he's not good that. Oftentimes, these should be his focus.
I do the same thing with my athletes. When I first started working with LaDainian in 2002, he had room for improvement on his balance. He since has become so much better. When I started working with Brees (pictured here training at Durkin's gym) that same year, his core wasn't as strong as it should be. So with an emphasis on joint integrity and core strength, he was able to really improve his game.  More...Yahoo Health

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


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Since 1993, AdvoCare® has been a world-class nutrition company specializing in health and wellness, weight management, vibrant energy and sports performance. Navigate through this site to learn more about our cutting-edge nutritional supplements and skincare as well as the opportunity to earn a full time income with a part time commitment by sharing AdvoCare products with others.
Our products are formulated by an elite Scientific and Medical Advisory Board with over 200 years combined experience in pharmacology, toxicology, nutrition, sports performance and pediatrics. We have a multitude of product endorsers that includes professional athletes, champion amateur athletes, and acclaimed entertainers.
Thanks for stopping by!

10 nutrition powerhouses for kids

In addition to protecting against heart disease and diabetes and improving brain function, blueberries may also help reduce visceral "toxic" belly fat.
In addition to protecting against heart disease and diabetes and improving brain function, blueberries may also help reduce visceral "toxic" belly fat.
  • Foods like blueberries and salmon are top picks of true bite-for-bite nutritional powerhouses
  • Even cinnamon and cocoa have great nutritional value for kids
  • Pizza and pasta are actually a good way to incorporate lycopene into a child's diet
( -- Get your kids addicted to these colorful, tasty, nutrient-packed superfoods, like blueberries, cocoa, cinnamon and more.
It's a fact of life: Chips, cupcakes, and lots of other not-so-nutritionally noble foods are going to find their way into your child's mouth. Heck, if left to their own devices, a lot of kids wouldn't eat anything that didn't come out of a pizza or pasta box. But that's all the more reason to make sure the meals you serve up are packed with as much good stuff as possible. Parenting went to Rachel Beller, R.D., founder of the Beller Nutritional Institute in Beverly Hills, California, a mom of four, and an expert in eating for disease prevention, to get her top picks of true bite-for-bite nutritional powerhouses. Most important, they're also foods kids might actually eat. Add them to this week's shopping list!

For weight-loss help, faithfuls turn to God

Women at a gospel aerobics class in Camp Springs, Maryland, blend praise and exercise.
Women at a gospel aerobics class in Camp Springs, Maryland, blend praise and exercise.
  • Churches open fitness centers, start healthy living courses; new God-themed DVDs are released
  • People are searching for meaning in their workouts and enhanced church experience
  • Using faith in workouts adds extra motivation and boost, say supporters
(CNN) -- Hallelujah diets. Body by God. Karate for Christ. Gospel groove workouts.
Using the Lord's name (not in vain), fitness and diet enthusiasts are injecting the Almighty into nutrition programs, exercise DVDs, martial arts and healthy living courses.
In a DVD released in June, a gospel choir in full-length gowns sways back and forth while a fitness personality, Donna Richardson Joyner, sashays to her aerobic exercises. Her smiling, spandex-clad entourage echoes her movements. All lift their hands to praise the Lord.
"Give him some love!" she shouts. "Honor him!"
Exercise DVDs with religious themes, such as this one, have streamed into the market. More churches have opened fitness centers and started healthy living groups.
"People are wanting more out of what they're currently getting," said Brad Bloom, publisher of the Faith & Fitness magazine. "They're tired of going to a church, to a routine show on Sunday morning. Then they're also frustrated with the gym experience. People need something where they can get a comprehensive experience from it."

Health-Care basics: spend or save?

Although prices may be steep, consumers should consider spending more on their health-care products to save in the long run.
Although prices may be steep, consumers should consider spending more on their health-care products to save in the long run.
  • Modernizing basic health tools will help save money and promote safety
  • Consider purchasing two humidifiers for personal and environmental benefits
  • Spending more money on health care products is more beneficial in the long run
( -- When to spend and when to save on eight essentials that affect your health every day.
Old-school mercury versions, which are hard to read and can break, have gone the way of the Walkman. An inexpensive digital thermometer (about $6) is the new classic and more than adequate for the average person.
Two things to look for: a big, backlit display that's easy to see in a dark room, and a fast reading time of about 15 seconds, says Caroline Dorsen, a board-certified family nurse practitioner in New York City. Go for an under-the-tongue variety, as ear (or tympanic) thermometers are less reliable. A study done at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, found that parents using home tympanic models failed to detect a fever 25 percent of the time. If you have to check someone's temperature hourly, invest in a temporal artery (forehead) thermometer. It's even easier to use but a bit more expensive (about $35).

Why eating a lot feels so darn good

The brain rewards eating salt, fat and sugars by releasing feel-good chemical substances.
The brain rewards eating salt, fat and sugars by releasing feel-good chemical substances.
  • Food can induce feel-good chemicals in the same way as drugs and alcohol
  • Evolution, competition and ingestion analgesia are factors in pleasure of eating
  • Being full feels satisfying compared with gnawing, rumbling hunger pains
(CNN) -- On Thanksgiving, many of us will eat way more than normal and then waddle away contented, with a turkey and sweet potato buzz.
Having a belly stuffed with comforting food can feel like a warm hug from the inside.
Evolution has given us the instinct to eat a lot every time we can, preparing for hard times. It's the drive to survive, like puffy-cheeked squirrels storing up for the winter. It's also fueled by competition: beating the others to the food.

Is your diet good for your skin?

The food you eat, like wrinkle-fighting antioxidants in fruits, may matter to your skin almost as much as it does to your waistline.
The food you eat, like wrinkle-fighting antioxidants in fruits, may matter to your skin almost as much as it does to your waistline.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids in fish help keep skin-cell membranes strong and elastic
  • Beans contain zit-battling zinc and decrease inflammation
  • Fat helps your body absorb complexion-friendly antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins
( -- Sure, your diet keeps your body slim and healthy, but its impact doesn't stop there.
The food you eat -- from wrinkle-fighting antioxidants in fruits and vegetables to hydrating healthy fats in fish -- may matter to your skin almost as much as it does to your waistline.
Is your way of noshing helping or hurting your complexion? We asked top docs for their take on the face-friendliness of six popular diets.
Read on to see if yours passes the beauty test, and find out how you can alter what you eat for A-plus skin. 8 steps to healthy skin at every age

Half of Americans sip sugary drinks daily

Americans get 8% of daily calories from sugary drinks, a study from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics says.
Americans get 8% of daily calories from sugary drinks, a study from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics says.
  • Half of U.S. population over age 2 consumes sugary drinks daily, CDC says
  • Report says the drinks have been linked to weight gain, obesity and diabetes
  • Beverage makers say their products have not fueled obesity and diabetes
  • Male teens are most frequent consumers of sugary drinks, report says
(CNN) -- When it was first invented, soda pop was a treat most people had once in a while for special occasions.
Now it's a daily fixture in American life -- in bright containers glowing inside vending machines, chugged from 32-ounce bucket-like containers at self-service stations and served as the default beverage in fast-food meals.
In today's carbonation nation, half of the U.S. population over age 2 consumes sugary drinks daily, according to a report released by National Center for Health Statistics.
The sugary drinks include sodas, sweetened waters, and energy, sports and fruit beverages. Not included in the total were diet drinks, 100% fruit juices, sweetened teas and flavored milk. The report states that sugary drinks have been linked to "poor diet quality, weight gain, obesity, and in adults, type 2 diabetes."

Plate icon to guide Americans to healthier eating

(CNN) -- The food pyramid has been dismantled in favor of a simple plate icon that urges Americans to eat a more plant-based diet.
One half of your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables, with whole grains and lean protein on the other half, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Low-fat dairy on the side, such as a cup of skim milk or yogurt, is also suggested.
The new icon, MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to adopt healthier eating habits, in a time when more than one-third of children and more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese.
What's your ideal MyPlate? Show us!
"It's an opportunity for Americans to understand quickly how to have a balanced and nutritious meal," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. "It's a constant reminder as you look at your own plate whether your portion sizes are right, whether you've got enough fruits and vegetables on that plate."
Vilsack, first lady Michelle Obama and Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin spoke at a Thursday press conference to unveil the new plate icon.
Obama has led a national campaign for healthier diets and more physical exercise, called Let's Move, which aims to reduce childhood obesity in the United States within a generation.
The goal of MyPlate is to simplify nutritional information, Obama said.
"When it comes to eating, what's more useful than a plate?" she asked. "It's a quick simple way for all of us to be mindful of the foods we're eating."
She warned that the new icon won't end the obesity epidemic alone.
"It can't ensure our communities have access to affordable fruits and vegetables," Obama said. "That's still work we need to do."
She said kids still need to be active and that parents still need to be vigilant on making good food choices.

Monday, September 19, 2011

17 million US households lack proper diet: report

A shelf in the food pantry at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission is seen nearly empty …
Over 17 million US households -- or 14.5 percent -- were unable to eat properly in 2010, either due to small portions, or chronically unhealthy diets, a government report said Wednesday.
Households living near or below the poverty line, single-parent households, and black or Hispanic households, were mostly affected, said the report from the Department of Agriculture.
Among those affected, some 6.4 million homes (5.4 percent) were particularly affected by food insecurity, said the report, facing smaller portions, unhealthy diets, hunger and weight loss.
Some 9.8 percent of households with children faced similar food insecurity, down slightly from 10.6 percent of the same demographic in 2009, the report said.
The "study underscores what we know, that the food security remains a serious problem," said USDA under secretary Kevin Concannon in a conference call with reporters.
The USDA last month noted that nearly 46 million people, or one-in-six Americans, were in April this year living with government-issued food stamps. Sourced By: Yahoo news

Saturday, September 10, 2011

3 Nutrients to Accelerate Muscle Recovery

By: StacyAtZeel Allowing your muscles to recover between workouts is as important as the exercise itself. After all, there’s a reason why you’re achy for a day or two following back-to-back Read More »

Weight Loss Secrets from The Biggest Loser's Olivia Ward and Hannah Curlee

By Jenna Autuori-Dedic For Biggest Loser: Couples winner Olivia Ward and her sister-teammate, Hannah Curlee, the real secret to shedding a combined 249 pounds -- and Read More »

5 Ways To Help Your Parents Lose Weight

Eveyone I know is on a diet. They are trying to fit into a pair of jeans, a new dress, or a suit they have had in their closet for six years. Some of them buy a pair of True Religion Jeans in a smaller size and hang them up in a noticeable area as an incentive (the incentive is no doubt the price… Read More »

25 simple ways to get more steps in your day

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Getty Images
By Su Reid-St. John So you’ve heard it a million times: Walk more! Aim for 10,000 steps a day! But taking the stairs instead of the elevator will only get you so far.… Read More »

5 Health Slip-Ups—Remedied

By Denise Schipani
We’ve all taken one pain reliever too many or not finished a round of antibiotics. But how bad are these mistakes, really? The answers, and what you should know for next…
Read More »

The diet that science says is twice as likely to work as seeing a doctor

A new study gets specific about how well one weight-loss program really works over the course of a year, comparing pounds lost by participants to those who got diet guidance from a doctor. The findings were significant -- dieters who followed the Weight Watchers program dropped double the pounds and were more likely to stick to the program than those who got monthly advice from a medical professional.

Researchers recruited 772 men from the UK, Germany, and Australia from doctor's check-up appointments. All of the participants fell in a body mass index range of 27 to 35 and showed at least one marker for obesity-related disease risk. In a random selection, half were given a complimentary 12-month membership to Weight Watchers and half were asked to visit their doctor for monthly appointments on weight loss.  More...Shine from Yahoo

The 6 golden rules of weight loss

Runners know the miles they log on the pavement, trails, and the treadmill are great for keeping them fit and healthy. High on the list of the sport's many virtues? It is an amazing tool for weight control. But weight loss is a different story. Because you run, you may think you can eat whatever you want and still drop pounds. Unfortunately, that's not true. Running is only half of the equation. You have to look hard at what and how you eat, too.  More...Shine from Yahoo

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fret Less

To banish worries, put stressors on paper. Writing them down and stashing the note in a "worry jar" (or a drawer) makes it easier to compartmentalize and move on, says Andrea Bonior, Ph.D., a psychologist in Washington, D.C. Limiting anxiety is healthy. A surfeit of the stress hormone cortisol may lead to chronic pain, depression, cognitive issues and even heart problems, potentially shortening your life. Not to mention that constant worry is no fun. Sourced By: Yahoo Health

Keep Your Sunny Side Up

Optimists live longer, plain and simple. In a 15-year study of more than 100,000 women, cheery types were 14 percent less likely to die in an eight-year period than gloomy gals were, the National Institutes of Health Women's Health Initiative finds. To change your thinking, visualize a happy moment: "Imagining yourself in a hammock on the beach can have an immediate, relaxing effect on the body that makes it more difficult to stay focused on the negative," Bonior says. Sourced By: Yahoo Health

If All Else Fails, Take a Nap

When life starts getting you down, catch 40 winks. If you're stressed out, a 45-minute daytime snooze may lower your blood pressure, a study from Allegheny College reports. Siestas also help you catch up on much-needed sleep. That's crucial, because chronic sleep deprivation can cause aging at the cellular level. So give yourself permission to nap like a kid. We predict you'll start feeling like one, too.
Sourced By: Yahoo Health

Your Relaxation Rx

Which mind/body treatments have the most rock-solid science backing them up? Brent Bauer, M.D., director of the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, provides the big picture.
For: Back pain Try: Yoga
For: High cholesterol Try: Qigong
For: Depression Try: Music therapy, qigong, yoga
For: Eating disorders Try: Meditation, yoga
For: Fertility Try: Visualization, yoga
For: Heart health Try: Deep breathing, qigong, yoga
For: Immunity Try: Breathing, chants, meditation, qigong
For: Insomnia Try: Acupuncture, visualization, yoga
For: Joint pain Try: Music therapy, qigong, yoga
For: Migraines Try: Acupuncture, yoga
Sourced By: Yahoo Health

The Science

The latest cutting-edge research proves your mind can heal your body. Here's how:
Your body dials down stress. Dr. Benson's research has found that mind/body practices—meditation, yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, visualization—all elicit the relaxation response, quelling the release of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Your heart slows, blood pressure falls and digestion eases.  Sourced By: Yahoo Health

10 Fun, Healthy Ways to Blow Off Steam

We all know excess stress is unhealthy, but many of the ways we try to shake it off—downing one too many cocktails, inhaling a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, zoning out in front of the boob tube for hours—tend to be just as bad for us, if not worse. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by trying to make things better! Instead, try these easy, enjoyable, healthy tricks for getting rid of stress when you need to most: now!

1. Just inhale. Then exhale. Download the (free) Breathing Zone app for guided exercises at
2. Chomp on chocolate. Cocoa increases your body’s levels of neurochemicals, helping you relax. You don’t have to tell me twice!
3. Strike a yoga pose. To clear your head, stand with your feet hip-width apart, your butt against a wall. Bend forward, grab your forearms, and let your head hang, breathing deeply, says Kathryn Budig, a yoga instructor in Los Angeles. Om, yeah.
4. Say no. Nix all those obligations you don’t really have to do.
5. Give back. Studies show volunteering increases happiness. Log kind acts at to snag deals (like 20 percent off at a salon!).
6. Pucker up. A little lip action releases feel-good hormones. Kiss, kiss!
7. Play away angst. Competing in a video game may tame tension. Discover your fave at
8. Light a lavender candle. Sniffing the scent can lower levels of stress-related chemicals.
9. Plan a vacay. Anticipating a trip lifts your mood. Swap travel tips with virtual pals at
10. Pet a pooch. Friendly fur is more calming than music, TV or reading, 95 percent of folks say. Nothing like the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from a warm, fuzzy creature. Sourced By: Yahoo Health

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Habits of the Skinny

Commit to these 20 fat-fighting habits and you'll be on the road to a slim physique.  Find out »

Train Smart Now, Reap the Rewards in the Fall

Melisa Christian, a dentist and a 2:41 marathoner, has qualified for two Olympic Marathon Trials despite—or perhaps because of—training in the heat of Dallas. To log her 80-plus miles per week through the summer months, when overnight temperatures rarely drop below 75°F and the humidity wraps around her like a blanket, she gets up before dawn and drives her running route, dropping bottles of water and electrolyte mix every few miles. The payoff comes when she runs a fall race, often the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon in Minneapolis. Going from the intensity of the Dallas heat to the cool northern climes, Christian gets an instant boost, both physically and psychologically.
"You feel a lot more fresh and vibrant," she says. "You're not drenched in sweat just toeing the line. It seems so much easier."

Is overweight the new normal weight?

Getty Images
Getty Images
By Julie Upton, RD
A new report issued last week warned us that, if trends in the U.S. waistline continue as they are, 50% of our population would be obese by 2030. There are many reasons why overweight and obesity are such problems right now. Some research suggests that we’ve grown more comfortable being overweight and that being overweight has become “normal,” while being of an ideal weight may appear to be “underweight.”
While national surveys show that 67% of Americans are overweight or obese, a new survey of 1,000 Americans by Russell Research commissioned by Pollock Communications, showed only 52% of Americans believe they are overweight. This lack of reality around body weight and diet is considered to be one of the many barriers in the nation’s growing obesity epidemic. We’ve become more “numb” to overweight and obesity because it’s everywhere; a person who is of normal weight actually appears to be the one who doesn’t fit in anymore.  More...Yahoo Health

HCG Diet: Hip or Hype?

It seems like the HCG diet is popping up everywhere these days.  Ads and “success stories” are plastered all over the internet and magazines.  But unfortunately, most of the information out there is just plain false. Here are the answers and info you should know about this weight loss gimmick.
What exactly is the HCG diet?
The HCG diet is nothing new.  It was created by a British endocrinologist in the 1950s, but has resurfaced several times since then, including in the past few years.

The original diet involved extreme calorie restriction (500 calories per day) and daily injections of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), a hormone that’s naturally produced by pregnant women. Proponents claim that the HCG hormone suppresses appetite and fights weakness and fatigue, enabling you to stick with the 500-calorie regime. They also claim that it favors weight loss from body fat, instead of muscle. 
The injections are tough to come by because they need to be prescribed by a doctor and injected every day. A month’s supply of injections (actual HCG hormones plus supplies) typically costs several hundred dollars.
These days, most people following this diet use homeopathic versions of HCG, sold as under-the-tongue drops.  The drops don’t require a prescription, are far easier to purchase, and can be significantly cheaper.  Depending on the brand, a month’s supply of drops can cost anywhere from $15 to $150. More...Yahoo Health

'Workout From Hell' Puts Fat To The Flames

It's medieval and unbelievable." That's how fitness expert David Jack describes this "barbell complex" -- five exercises strung together to create one serious fat-loss routine. "It's a metabolic nightmare for your body, but in a good way," says Jack, a Men’s Health advisor and director of fitness at TeamWorks in Acton, Massachusetts.
Here at Men's Health, we don't actually call it a complex. We call it the workout from Hell. Try it just once and you'll no doubt agree: It incinerates fat and lights your muscles on fire. It may even leave you begging for mercy. (And if you really like tough workouts, make sure to try The Ultimate Fitness Challenge.)
Here’s how it works: You first put weight on the barbell. That's normal. But once you pick the barbell up, you never put it down, using the same weight to perform 5 consecutive exercises: the deadlift, straight-leg deadlift, barbell row, jump shrug, and hang clean. Watch the video below to see exactly how to do the routine.
The key: Choose your weight for all the exercises based on what you use for either the barbell row or the hang clean. These are the exercises in which you'll be the weakest. While this may seem too light when you start the routine, you'll quickly understand how challenging it can be. Do 8 reps of each exercise, then rest for 90 seconds. That’s one round. Try doing three to four rounds. This can be a workout on its own, or you can use it as “cardio” training at the end of your regular weight workout. (For more super-simple, fat-loss routines, check out the Fastest Cardio Workouts Ever.)  More...Yahoo Sports

Lose Weight Around the Clock

6:45 AM: Get Some Early Exercise
"Studies show that most people who wear pedometers clock up more steps before lunch compared to after lunch," says accredited dietitian Kate Di Prima. "Morning exercise raises your heart rate and metabolism early to give you physical energy for hours, so from that perspective it also helps burn more calories throughout the day." Depending on where you live, there are also generally lower pollution levels in the morning.  More...Shine from Yahoo

Monday, September 5, 2011

Obese kids have more asthma flare-ups

Shaving off extra pounds might help asthmatic kids prevent flare-ups of the disease, according to a study that found obese children have a harder time controlling their symptoms.
The work is the first to show that even after taking race and social factors into account, heavier kids use more drugs to control their asthma and curb flare-ups than their slimmer peers.
"Improving nutritional status, preventing obesity, and stressing the importance of weight loss might improve asthma control and exacerbation risk in children and decrease the incidence of asthma in adults," researchers write in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
Both asthma and obesity rates have soared among kids in recent decades, reaching nearly 10 percent and 17 percent today, respectively. More...Yahoo health

Czechs order obese soldiers to tighten belts

The Czech army has shrunk to just a quarter of its size since Prague shrugged off the yoke of Communism two decades ago, but a new report has prompted it to pursue a different type of downsizing.
Military doctors raised the alarm when they discovered that half of the army's 22,000 personnel are overweight, and 3,500 are obese, daily Lidove Noviny reported Wednesday.
The army has decided on a quick counterattack: Soldiers will go on a diet and the army may even deploy fat-fighting pills.
The Defense Ministry confirmed the obesity figures but said pills were only a last-resort weapon, following diet and exercise.
The Czechs are member of the NATO alliance and have around 700 troops in Afghanistan.
(Reporting by Robert Mueller, writing by Jan Lopatka, editing by Paul Casciato)

6 Ways to Beat Mindless Munching

You know the usual suspects: your co-worker’s candy dish, that bowl of salty-nutty whatever-it-is deliciousness they put out during happy hour—or the bag of crunchy puffs whose label reads “natural.” Who hasn’t blindly nibbled their way through what seemed like a simple snack and realized they’d just consumed hundreds of extra calories? Good news: there’s hope for the mindless munchers among us. Here’s how to quell your non-stop noshing once and for all.  More...Yahoo health

Jogging Beats Weight Lifting for Losing Belly Fat: Study

FRIDAY, Aug. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Aerobic exercise is better than resistance training if you want to lose the belly fat that poses a serious threat to your health, researchers say.
That's the finding of their eight-month study that compared the effectiveness of aerobic exercise (such as jogging), resistance training (such as weight lifting), or a combination of the two activities in 196 overweight, sedentary adults aged 18 to 70.
The participants in the aerobic group did the equivalent of 12 miles of jogging per week at 80 percent maximum heart rate, while those in the resistance group did three sets of eight to 12 repetitions three times per week.  More...Yahoo Health

5 Nutrients You're Not Getting Enough Of

After a long hard day at the office, I crave a manly dinner. Something that will sharpen my mind, feed my muscles, and infuse me with energy to keep up with two young kids till bedtime.
So, often, I have a bowl of cereal. With bananas and whole milk. Mmm.
Do I feel like I’m depriving my body of key nutrients? Quite the opposite, actually. My favorite dinner isn't just for kids. It contains high levels of three nutrients that American adults need much more of: B12, potassium, and iodine. Our shortfalls with these nutrients—along with vitamin D and magnesium—have serious health consequences, including a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, fatigue, and weight gain.
Here's the good news: These nutrients are readily available in the foods you know and love. You can get more of one simply by spending more time outside. That doesn't sound so hard, does it? Here's how to fortify your diet—and your health.  More...Yahoo Health