Friday, September 9, 2011

HCG Diet: Hip or Hype?

It seems like the HCG diet is popping up everywhere these days.  Ads and “success stories” are plastered all over the internet and magazines.  But unfortunately, most of the information out there is just plain false. Here are the answers and info you should know about this weight loss gimmick.
What exactly is the HCG diet?
The HCG diet is nothing new.  It was created by a British endocrinologist in the 1950s, but has resurfaced several times since then, including in the past few years.

The original diet involved extreme calorie restriction (500 calories per day) and daily injections of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), a hormone that’s naturally produced by pregnant women. Proponents claim that the HCG hormone suppresses appetite and fights weakness and fatigue, enabling you to stick with the 500-calorie regime. They also claim that it favors weight loss from body fat, instead of muscle. 
The injections are tough to come by because they need to be prescribed by a doctor and injected every day. A month’s supply of injections (actual HCG hormones plus supplies) typically costs several hundred dollars.
These days, most people following this diet use homeopathic versions of HCG, sold as under-the-tongue drops.  The drops don’t require a prescription, are far easier to purchase, and can be significantly cheaper.  Depending on the brand, a month’s supply of drops can cost anywhere from $15 to $150. More...Yahoo Health

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