Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is your diet good for your skin?

The food you eat, like wrinkle-fighting antioxidants in fruits, may matter to your skin almost as much as it does to your waistline.
The food you eat, like wrinkle-fighting antioxidants in fruits, may matter to your skin almost as much as it does to your waistline.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids in fish help keep skin-cell membranes strong and elastic
  • Beans contain zit-battling zinc and decrease inflammation
  • Fat helps your body absorb complexion-friendly antioxidants and fat-soluble vitamins
( -- Sure, your diet keeps your body slim and healthy, but its impact doesn't stop there.
The food you eat -- from wrinkle-fighting antioxidants in fruits and vegetables to hydrating healthy fats in fish -- may matter to your skin almost as much as it does to your waistline.
Is your way of noshing helping or hurting your complexion? We asked top docs for their take on the face-friendliness of six popular diets.
Read on to see if yours passes the beauty test, and find out how you can alter what you eat for A-plus skin. 8 steps to healthy skin at every age

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