Monday, January 30, 2012

School suspends cancer survivor teen over hair he plans to donate

AP Photo/The Flint Journal, Lathan Goumas
UPDATE: Here's a link to the petition started by J.T.'s mom.
A Michigan teen who survived a bout with leukemia has been suspended from school over the length of his long hair, which he is planning to donate.
The Detroit News reports that 17-year-old J.T. Gaskins has been growing out his hair since last summer in order to donate it to the Locks of Love charity. Gaskins said he was inspired to make the donation after learning that the sister of a family friend was diagnosed with cancer. More...Yahoo News

Healthy Snacks for Staying Slim

Healthy Snacks for Staying Slim

Get Healthier Lungs with This 2-Minute Habit

Get Healthier Lungs with This 2-Minute Habit

Slow Down Aging by Cooking with This Juice

Slow Down Aging by Cooking with This Juice

Improve Colon Health with This Oil

Improve Colon Health with This Oil

Halt Cravings with This Mental Image

Halt Cravings with This Mental Image

How to Lose Weight in 2012

How to Lose Weight in 2012

Stay Calm and Focused with Meditation

Stay Calm and Focused with Meditation

Stop Making Excuses and Learn How to Be Healthy

Stop Making Excuses and Learn How to Be Healthy

How to Be Fun, Have Fun, and Stay Young

How to Be Fun, Have Fun, and Stay Young

5 Low-Cal Game Day Snacks

5 Low-Cal Game Day Snacks

How Sleepless Nights Affect Your Look (plus Simple Fixes) | Yahoo! Health

How Sleepless Nights Affect Your Look (plus Simple Fixes) Yahoo! Health

Top 3 Longevity Secrets for 2012 | Yahoo! Health

Top 3 Longevity Secrets for 2012 Yahoo! Health

3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda

America has a drinking problem. No, not booze. I'm talking about soft drinks. According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, the average American guzzles 44.7 gallons of the sweet stuff every year. Not sure what 44.7 gallons looks like? It's about what you'd need to fill a small kiddie pool.
But the truth is, you don't need me to tell you that soda isn't healthy. We all know that America’s drink of choice contributes to our country's ever-expanding obesity problem. But, as writer Leah Zerbe discovered, love handles are just the beginning. Read on for her report on three shocking soda facts that will have you saying “Just water, please” from now on.
And for more instant secrets that will keep you healthy and fit all year long, follow me right here on Twitter or sign up for our FREE Eat This, Not That! daily newsletter to lose weight without ever dieting again.  More....Yahoo Health

People Who Quit Their Jobs and Made Millions

Have you ever wished you could just quit your job and follow your dream? While reality gets in the way for many, there are some who have taken the chance and ditched their steady paychecks in order to turn their business ideas into reality.

Success is by no means guaranteed, but for the lucky ones the decision to say “I quit” has been handsomely rewarded. With hard work and determination, they’ve been able to turn their ideas into booming businesses.

The following people quit their jobs and went on to make millions, whether it was creating personal wealth or revenue for their company.  More....Yahoo Finance

Friday, January 27, 2012

Health Tip: Preparing for a Stress Test

(HealthDay News) -- A cardiac stress test gives doctors an idea of how your heart functions at rest and when it's under "stress" from activities such as treadmill exercise.
The U.S. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute says you can prepare for the test by:
  • Dressing comfortably in workout clothes, including footwear designed for exercise.
  • Checking with your doctor to see if you need to avoid food and water before the test.
  • Checking with your doctor, if you're diabetic, to see if you should adjust your medication before the test.
  • Asking your doctor if you need to avoid caffeinated beverages, certain foods or over-the-counter medications before the test.
  • Bringing any inhaler you use to the test and letting the doctor know about it.

Parents May Hold Key to Treating Kids' Obesity

MONDAY, Jan. 23 (HealthDay News) -- Parents and caregivers should be involved in treatment programs for obese children and should lead by example, praise children's progress and use setbacks as learning opportunities, experts say.
"In many cases, the adults in a family may be the most effective change agents to help obese children attain and maintain a healthier weight," Myles Faith, an associate professor of nutrition at the Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said in an American Heart Association (AHA) news release.
"To do so, the adults may need to modify their own behavior and try some research-based strategies," added Faith, who is the chair of the writing group that published an AHA scientific statement in the Jan. 23 issue of Circulation.  More...YAHOO NEWS

Device makers urge coverage of weight-loss surgery

Enlarge Photo
Subway commuters walk through the turnstiles while leaving the U.S. Open in New York …
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Device manufacturers are pushing the government and health insurers to cover weight-loss surgery, an effort that could give millions more obese Americans access to the treatments.
Advocates say it will give obese patients a complete arsenal for fighting the condition that can spur a host of life-threatening illnesses and help save billions of dollars in healthcare costs for employers and the government.
Critics argue that bariatric surgery has high rates of complications and that, ultimately, surgery does not change the behavior underlying obesity.  More....YAHOO NEWS

Long Shifts May Raise Some Nurses' Odds for Obesity

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 25 (HealthDay News) -- Nurses who work long hours and have less physically demanding jobs are much more likely to be obese than other nurses, according to a new study.
Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Nursing surveyed about 2,100 female nurses and found that about 55 percent of them were obese. They determined that nursing schedules affect nurses' health and also the quality of patient care.
"Long work hours and shift work adversely affect quantity and quality of sleep, which often interferes with adherence to healthy behavior and increases obesity," said the study's lead researcher, Kihye Han, a postdoctoral fellow at the nursing school, in a university news release.  More....YAHOO NEWS

Common Gastro Disease Occurs Even With High-Fiber Diet

FRIDAY, Jan. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Eating a high-fiber diet does not lower a person's risk of diverticulosis, but a low-fiber diet might, according to a new study that contradicts what doctors have believed for decades.
Diverticulosis is a disease of the intestines in which pouches develop in the colon wall.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine analyzed data from more than 2,100 patients, aged 30 to 80, who underwent outpatient colonoscopy between 1998 and 2010. The patients were interviewed about their diet, bowel movements and level of physical activity.
Patients with the lowest fiber intake were 30 percent less likely to develop diverticulosis than those with the highest intake, according to the study published in the February issue of the journal Gastroenterology.  More...YAHOO NEWS

Awwww: Read a 7-year-old’s heart-melting letter to Kyle Williams

US PresswireKyle Williams probably hasn't been opening much of his mail recently. The 49ers receiver who had the disastrous NFC championship game has probably seen and heard quite enough from the general public for now. Death threats as a response to football mistakes can probably make a man shy.
There's at least one letter I hope he got, though. Ben Mankiewicz at The Huffington Post passes along a letter written to Williams by his friend's little boy: a 7-year-old named Owen. Owen loves his 49ers and was as crestfallen as any other Niners fan when the Giants pulled out the overtime victory. Here's Owen's story, from Mankiewicz:
He was crying, saying of Kyle Williams, with the distinct sobs of a seven-year-old between each word, "But... why... did he... have to... fumble?"
Trying to get his son to stop crying, Michael asked him, "If you feel this way, how sad do you think Kyle Williams is?"
Owen paused a second, then asked his dad, "Can I write him a letter to make him feel better?"
Here's that letter:
Letter to Kyle WilliamsMore...Yahoo Sports

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Terrell Owens In GQ: I'm In Hell

Terrell Owens has always been an island of sorts. His brash personality and self-absorption routinely alienated his teammates during an NFL career that teetered between terrific and toxic, leaving him to fend for himself.
Now, at 38 and out of football, he's lonelier than ever, and running out of money. In a GQ profile, Owens comes across as wounded, broke and desperate. When people text him to ask where he is, he replies back: "I'm in hell."
But is it his own fault? That's the perennial debate on T.O., who had a heartbreaking childhood but continually pointed fingers at everyone but himself once he became an adult.
In the GQ story by Nancy Hass, Owens blames the media for not giving him a chance to rehab his injury, blames agent Drew Rosenhaus for not protecting him from a bad business arrangement, and -- perhaps most surprisingly -- blames a former team captain for his issues with former Philadelphia teammate Donovan McNabb.  More....Yahoo Sports

Khloe Kardashian Taking to the Dallas Airwaves

John Shearer/WireImage
John Shearer/WireImage

You've heard it before: The Kardashians are famous for being famous. That fame, in turn, has also made them
filthy rich thanks to multiple reality shows, million-dollar wedding specials (apparently, how long you actually stay married doesn't make a difference in what you get paid for said specials), opening their own retail stores, endorsement deals, and red carpet appearances.
But have any one of these Kardashian sisters actually ever held a real job? The answer is about to be yes. Dallas, meet your newest radio DJ: Khloe Kardashian.
"I have some very exciting news for you," I'm returning to radio!!!!!!," Kardashian posted on
If you're wondering about that word "returning," Khloe actually had a short stint on a weekly Miami radio program a few years back while she was living in the South Florida city to shoot one of her many (you guessed it) reality shows, "Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami." her blog Tuesday night. "I'll be joining the team at Mix 102.9 every day from 12-1pm CST for my very own show, The Mix Up with Khloé, and I could not be more thrilled about it!" More....omg from Yahoo

Why Billy Cundiff was rushed on the fateful field goal try

Getty Images
No one has provided more information on Billy Cundiff's miss than Stefan Fatsis, author of "A Few Seconds of Panic," a book about his brief stint as a backup kicker with the Denver Broncos in training camp. For Deadspin, Fatsis has talked with Cundiff and has his own uniquely qualified perspective on the yank.
To summarize — and you should go read the whole thing — Cundiff has a specific routine he follows when the Ravens get into field goal range. On first down, he does one thing. On second, something else. Third, something else. Unfortunately, the Patriots scoreboard had the down wrong, which threw Cundiff out of whack.  More....Yahoo Sports

Press Release Was Prepared Announcing Death Of Seton Hall Power Forward Herb Pope

Herb Pope will never forget the day he died -- and he even has the piece of paper to prove it.
Today Pope, a 6-8 power forward from Seton Hall, is in the running to become Big East player of the year and looks set to join boyhood contemporaries Derrick Rose and Kevin Love in the NBA after his senior season.
Yet back in April 2010, the native of Aliquippa, Pa., collapsed while climbing stairs to a weight room at the Pirates' Walsh Gymnasium and his heart stopped beating -- rendering him clinically dead.  More...Yahoo Sports

A-Rod sells his NYC condo for a considerable profit

A-Rod just sold this 3,500-square foot apartment for $8 million. (ModlinGroup)

Alex Rodriguez's baseball skills and ability to commit to one celebrity girlfriend may be on the decline, but he's apparently at the top of his game when it comes to investing in real estate.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the New York Yankees third basemen has already received a contract for his 3,500-square foot condo on the 35th floor of the Rushmore building on Manhattan's Upper West Side. The listing with Modlin Group says the property was posted for $8 million, so A-Rod is likely making a tidy profit after paying just $5.5 million for the five-bedroom place last February. (Of course, considering he makes close to $30 million a year with the Yankees, that sort of haul is just walking around money to A-Rod.) More....Yahoo Sports

The Kid’s kid, Trey Griffey, commits to play football at Arizona

Melissa, Trey and Ken Griffey Jr. — Orlando Sentinel
Melissa, Trey and Ken Griffey Jr. — Orlando Sentinel

As first reported by the Orlando Sentinel, Trey Griffey, the eldest child of future MLB Hall of Fame outfielder Ken Griffey Jr. who chose to focus on football instead of baseball, committed to play college football at the University of Arizona on Monday night. Griffey can make his decision official on National Signing Day on Feb. 1.
"I feel great … it was basically just the atmosphere and I loved everything about it," Trey Griffey told the Sentinel. "It was just a great, enjoyable trip to Tucson.
"My parents said, 'It's up to you, you got to do what you want to do ... what you feel is right.' I'm going to the University of Arizona. It doesn't get any better than that." More....Yahoo Sports