Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pint Of Beer A Day Keeps Heart Disease Away

Homer Simpson's famous quote, "Beer is the cause and solution to all of life's problems," doesn't look quite as silly today.
Beer, like wine, can reduce the risk of heart disease, according to researchers in Italy. Moderate and regular drinking is key for both wine and beer.
A new study shows evidence for the first time of the dose-dependent effect with beer. Researchers noted maximum protection from heart disease for a beer containing 5 percent of alcohol, with a consumption of slightly more than an English pint a day. The research was published online by the European Journal of Epidemiology.
Researchers concluded that drinking approximately two glasses of wine per day for men and one for women can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease -- as much as to 31 percent less compared to the non-drinking crowd.
Jon Lester, Josh Beckett and John Lackey admitted to drinking "rally beer" in the dugout during the Red Sox historic September collapse. Maybe they were just worried about their health?
Scientists say it's not all good news for beer and wine lovers, though. They stress there is no place for binge drinking or any other form of heavy consumption. In addition, for young women still in their childbearing years, alcohol can slightly raise the risk for some kinds of cancer.  Sourced By: Yahoo Sports

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