Monday, November 28, 2011

Avoid These Muscle-Building Mistakes

You've put in the time. The sweat. Maybe the tears when you don't see results. Quit blubbering. It'll be fine.
Entering the weight room is the first step toward building muscle, but it's not the last. What you do before, during, and after a workout can either negate your hard work or elevate your growth to a new level.
"Your personal habits, your social life, even which exercises you choose to do can take away from what you're trying to build," says Jeff Bell, C.S.C.S., an exercise physiologist and the owner of Spectrum Wellness in New York City. Bell and other experts helped us pinpoint seven factors that sabotage results. "Add them up and they could be why your muscles have nothing to show for all your time served," Bell says.
Eliminate these seven saboteurs, then watch your muscles grow—with nothing holding them back. Sourced By: Yahoo Health

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