Wednesday, November 30, 2011

America's Scariest Fitness Trends

About 10 years ago, a friend of mine -- who was a strength coach for a Major League baseball team -- told me about an all-star outfielder who was absolutely crazy about fitness. So much so that the player did barbell squats in the locker room. While standing on a Swiss ball. Buck naked. Which isn't just crazy -- it's scary.
Thank goodness naked Swiss-ball squats never went viral. But I've found three current fitness trends that are just as scary. (If you don't count the nudity.)
Scary Fitness Trend #1: Hopping For Heavyweights
If you’ve ever watched a reality weight-loss show, you might have seen 300-pound contestants jumping onto boxes to blast calories. It’s often an awkward jump that looks dangerous, even to the casual observer. Of course, they wouldn’t show it on TV if it was a bad idea -- right? Wrong. (Exhibit A: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.)  More...Yahoo Sports

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