Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Make Your Name Professionally

Be known for something - You want to be known for something specific, such as the “web marketing guy” or the “outside sales closer.” You want to be the product that people want to buy -- design your message around that concept.
Leverage the web - An easy way to get started is with a blog that centers on your area of expertise. Even if only a handful of your friends are reading the blog initially, the practice of updating the content around your topic every week will allow you to refine your theme and your message. If the idea of manning a blog intimidates you (though it shouldn't because they are pretty straightforward), you can also opt for a Twitter account.
Write a book - Nothing confers authority like being the author of a book that discusses your area of expertise (depending on your industry, of course). Remember that the title and authority you see given to authors has nothing to do with how many people actually read their book, just the fact that they wrote one. Simply write the book and make it available for purchase, and once it’s complete, it’s the ultimate resume item.
Write for your local paper - News editors are always looking for smart, fresh perspectives to publish. The best way to approach an editor is with a few article ideas around a central theme.
Get speaking gigs - The beauty of public speaking opportunities is that the producer of the event is effectively promoting you and your professional name on their dime.  Sourced By Ads. By Google

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