Sunday, April 3, 2011

Addressing the Health Needs of Baby Boomers

Leading Treatments and Procedures for the Boomer Generation
Leading health issues among baby boomers can be categorized as common health issues resulting from lifestyle habits indulged by this age group more than any other. These habits include, for some, smoking, inadequate diet, and poor exercise habits. The most common afflictions and conditions experienced by boomers today are:
• Heart disease
• Kidney disease
• Arterial sclerosis
• Osteoporosis
• Breast, lung, and colon cancer
• Stroke
• Joint Complaints: bursitis, arthritis, tendonitis
Dealing with such chronic issues is not cheap, especially with the rising cost of health care. Coupled with astronomical fees, patients are often required to endure long wait times between physician’s visits as well as scheduling of treatments, procedures, and surgeries. 
Sourced by:  Exotic Journeys to Wellness

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