Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dr. Oz's Holiday Stress Management Checklist

Eliminating stress doesn't necessarily mean pouring a nice hot bubble bath. Try these holiday stress-busting strategies to avoid letting your worries rule your mind-and your life. From YOU Stress Less: The Owner's Manual for Regaining Balance in Your Life by Dr. Michael F. Roizen, MD, and Mehmet C. Oz, MD.

Stress Strategies
Identify the source of your stress. Though some sources are easy to identify, it may be difficult to really determine what's bothering you. Lashing out at your kids may be a reaction not to what your kids did but to an extra assignment piled on at work. The first step to managing your stress is pinpointing the culprit.

Focus on the moment. Though it can be hard, you'll have better stress management by being "mindful"-that is, really paying attention to the present and trying to get out of the gears of the past and the future (both of which are major sources of stress). That means especially noticing the things that you ignore, like your breath, body sensations, and emotions. One way to practice living in the moment: the body scan. More...Shine from Yahoo

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