Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Diet and Depression

Unfortunately, there isn't a one-size-fits-all diet plan that can help control depression. In fact, no research has indicted that a specific eating plan will help you manage the symptoms or effects of depression.
The good news is that while certain foods may not completely eliminate the symptoms of depression, sticking to a healthy and well-balanced diet and keeping a healthy weight may help in the overall treatment of depression. Here are some tips for making the most out of your healthy diet.

Managing Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have plenty of known health benefits, including possibly helping slowing the growth of cancerous tumors. Scientists have also discovered evidence linking a deficit of omega-3 fatty acids and depression. Specifically, research indicated that cultures that consume small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids have a higher incidence of depression. Other research indicates that those consuming little or no seafood, which is rich in omega-3s, are more likely to suffer from depression. To make sure you're getting enough, eat fish, especially salmon and tuna, as part of a balanced diet. Nuts and dark green leafy vegetables are also good sources of omega-3s.  Sourced By:  Yahoo Health

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